I was doing my daily reading of CNN.com and came across an
editorial by Glenn Beck. Upon reading this editorial I became quite perplexed by Beck's lack of understanding about the public hostility toward "Big Oil." He, Beck, argues that we, the public, should be thankful for the services that "Big Oil" provide and for the services that rely on oil to run. This blog is meant to highlight some of the bullshit that Beck is spewing.
Glen Beck states at the beginning of his piece:
Congress has picked "Big Oil" as their enemy of the week. These companies inexplicably put profits above people, ravaging the environment and financially assaulting the poor to put another couple of dollars on their balance sheet. That's the storyline we've all been taught.
Yes, times are tough for many. Sure, oil companies make a lot of cash. But, for that money, they get us to work, get ambulances to the hospital, keep our homes warm, and employ thousands of our friends and neighbors while financing their retirement, paying their health care, and providing energy to millions. Because of capitalism, they have the incentive to do that. I've yet to see what our government does for us with their rather large chunk of each gallon of gas we buy, and I've yet to see them offer to return it or suggest a gas-tax-windfall-tax-tax.
Here we see that Glenn Beck thinks the American public should be more upset with Congress than "Big Oil." This line of reasoning is not entirely wrong. However, the issue the public has with "Big Oil" is as follows. Some of the public see the record profits by "Big Oil" as exploitive. Now being the good Capitalist that I am, I do not like the idea of lots of government intervention, generally markets have a way of evening themselves out. With that being said when a company earns nearly $10 Million* an hour there is something wrong when their product impacts the world in negative ways. The impacts of "Big Oil's" record profits (and prices) can be seen in many areas.
The first area where these impacts are seen is the rise in transportation costs. In the past week three Airlines have gone belly-up, citing costs of fuel among their reasons for filing for bankruptcy.‘ These airlines were discount airlines - ATA Airlines and Aloha Airlines - mostly flying from the continental US to Hawaii.º So according to Mr. Beck we should all be happy that "Big Oil" allows us to go to work everyday. Well, Mr. Beck, I would like to know if you think the people who lost their jobs because these Airlines went belly-up should be happy/appreciative? Does "Big Oil" allow for many services? Yes, it does. It allows for ambulances, public transportation, heat. However, it also keeps some in rural areas from getting to work. The rising costs of gas in some areas and economic groups makes owning a car cost prohibitive. For those who are able to own a car and pay for its costs, are faced with a different problem. This problem is dealt with below.
"It costs me $40 to fill my gas tank. If I have to fill my gas tank twice a month, pay my rent, utilities, credit card bill(s), and other bills, how am I to afford other miscellaneous entertainment costs?" Hm, this is an interesting question Mr. Beck, how is one to pay all their responsibilities and still have spending money? In certain places where the economy is in a very bad state (Michigan, for instance) using a minimum of $80/month to fill-up you tank and hundred's more paying housing and living costs one is unable to go out to the movies, dinner, bars, etc. This leads us to the second area which is effected by the prices leading to the record profits of "Big Oil." The lack of disposable income among certain social classes impacts small business owners. The cutting down of spending means the fall of the independent "mom and pop" business.
The second area is very similar to the first. Because gas prices have gone up so much in the past few years the prices of other commodities/products have gone up as well. The rise in transportation costs have forced businesses to raise their prices or make somethings that were complimentary into an added cost; a prime example of this is the new policy instituted by McDonald's to charge ¢.10 for the Sweet and Sour sauce if you do not buy a chicken dish. Coupled with this is the fact that produce has gone up causing restaurant prices to go up as well. Mr. Beck, what is this record profit doing to Restauranteurs? Should a restauranteur be appreciative of "Big Oil" when they are contributing to the restauranteur losing money and possibly his/her restaurant/livelihood? With out patrons restaurants and other small businesses are unable to stay afloat. They (restaurants and small businesses) need patrons who have the ability to pay for the products the restaurants/businesses sell. Oil costs being where they are and the failing of the US Dollar contributes to the inability of the consumer to purchase non-essentials.
Without going into your points about the environment, which are bogus and meant to deflect the minds of simple people away from "Big Oil," I will just say this. Telling people that Al Gore is a loon or hypocrite, or whatever is just ridiculous. But to attack something like Global Warming, which is a naturally occurring phenomenon that has been accelerated in the past 200 years or so, is just flat out wrong. Say what you want about Al Gore, but he is right when he equates those who don't believe in the human impact on global warming (or global warming at all) to people who believe that the Moon landing was staged and those who believe that the world was flat. There is incontrovertible geological evidence that shows the unnatural acceleration of Global Warming.ª
"Big Oil" Profits‘
CNN report re three airline bankruptcies in the past weekº
Airline Bankruptcyª
Global Warming Conference Board Press Release;
Press Release re a study done at U of Texas;
Abstract about a study of a Glacier's retreat, advance and subsequent retreat in the last 100+ years